Two weeks ago, I went outside to transplant my new Ebb Tide Roses. I decided to plant them in front of the house, along part of the driveway- where the Ornamental Grass grew last year.
I got ready to sink the shovel into the ground to dig up the old, dead clump of grass when something caught my eye. I was being watched.

A pair of, what I think are Chipping Sparrows built a nest in the middle of the two foot high clump of grass. And in that nest were four tiny blue/gray and brown speckled eggs.

A few days later, the eggs hatched.

And in a matter of days the babies had feathers and were crowding the nest.
Both parents worked to feed the babes throughout the day. I'm hoping that those green worms hanging from their mouths are cabbage worms from my garden.

And today, when I went out to check on them, they were gone. I could hear the parents chipping away. And I could hear the babies answering them.

The nest was incredibly beautiful. Perfectly woven and lined with horse hair.
Now, it's time for the ornamental grass to go to the compost pile, where it will break down in time and once again nourish my life.
Until next time.....