This morning I set up the sprinkler to water the flower bed on the south side of the house. I used one of those sprinklers like we used to play under when I was a kid. I had it set to only go in one direction. Up, forward, up, forward. Perfect for the area that I was watering. The timer went off, so I went outside to shut the sprinkler off.
I walked to the side of the yard and saw something on the edge of the bed, where the grass meets the soil. What is that? I walk closer and see what it is and immediately run into the house to grab the camera.
Right at the spot where the water falls back down to Earth, sat a turtle. In the sunshine. Keeping cool! He/she was a beauty. So clean and shiny. I snapped a few photos and then me and the turtle went on our merry way. It's June. Turtle days will soon be here!
Until next time.....