Do you put one up? If so, when?
We don't put up a tree at our house, but we do put one up at my in laws. But that doesn't mean that we go tree-less.

We have huge houseplants that get decorated. And we have ornament trees that we put our vintage ornaments on. Those sit atop the mantle; out of reach of the cat (and us). We have many different kinds of evergreens and vines growing on our property and I cut armfuls to fashion into swags, garlands, wreathes, bouquets and 'trees'. Every room has fresh greens in it and the aroma floats throughout the house. I promise to post photos when I begin.

Many folks put their tree up the day after Thanksgiving. If you're one of them, enjoy the day. Because one day, they will be wonderful memories for you and yours.
Until next time.....