Out of the five nests, two of them hatched and went out into the world without a problem.
All four Robin eggs hatched. I took a few photos of them in nest, but tried to stay away. Mama Robins are very protective and I didn't want to upset her.
The House Wren eggs hatched safely too. That was a given. After all, she did build her nest in a bluebird box! I took one picture of the babes. They're still in there. I'll try to get another if I see them when they come out of the box.
Something got the eggs in the Chickadee and Thrasher nests. We're thinking that it was a snake because the nests weren't disturbed.
One night, something got into the Red Finch nest. We woke up to find the nest on the ground. I have some ideas as to what happened to them.
I've got my eye out for more nests. If I find them, I'll be camera ready.
Until next time.....