New growth on the Bay plant.
I always grow petunias. The scent reminds me of my grandmother. She grew them every year.
Cilantro/Coriander flowering.
The main garden.
Cucumbers and beans. I put up fencing around them in hopes to keep the groundhog and rabbits out.
Pickling cukes.
We finally finished planting the garden. I fed everything with fish emulsion and liquid seaweed. Yesterday it rained. Perfect timing! We're expecting rain for the next several days. Afterwards, we'll mulch the plants with leaves that we've been hauling from town.
It feels so good to be gardening again. This time of year, I live and breathe gardening. My Etsy shop has been put on a back burner this past month, but I hope to get back in the swing of things come June.
Until next time.....