What can I say? I'm a land-locked Beach Bum living and gardening in rural Tennessee. There is nothing normal about my gardening practices. So it makes perfect sense for me to use the bucket of oyster shells that I brought back from St George Island, Florida to mark my garden rows and beds. They're perfect for the job. Bright white, with a splash of purple, against the dark chocolate soil. They make me so happy when I look at them and even happier when I till one up.
Today I turned the main garden for the first time this season. Troy tills through that dirt like butta. Shhh! He doesn't know that he'll be 25 years old this April. I love that machine. He's my #1 man. I've had him longer than I've had my husband! :)
Tonight we turn our clocks up. I'm ready to spring ahead and so is the world around me. The bluebirds are back and building their first nest of the season. I heard frogs singing in the creek out back. It's not only the song of the mockingbird that I hear now. All the birds are singing like crazy.
It was a bittersweet moment in the garden this afternoon. I watched as Troy tilled our winter wheat cover crop under. In the winter, the bright green of the wheat shines when the rest of the world lies dormant. It's always a pleasure to look out and see that splash of color. But, the first part of it's job is complete and now it's time to fertilize the garden. I'll miss the wheat, but every time I see the healthy plants growing in the garden, I will be reminded of it and smile. Goodbye old friend. Until next time.....
Today I turned the main garden for the first time this season. Troy tills through that dirt like butta. Shhh! He doesn't know that he'll be 25 years old this April. I love that machine. He's my #1 man. I've had him longer than I've had my husband! :)
Tonight we turn our clocks up. I'm ready to spring ahead and so is the world around me. The bluebirds are back and building their first nest of the season. I heard frogs singing in the creek out back. It's not only the song of the mockingbird that I hear now. All the birds are singing like crazy.
It was a bittersweet moment in the garden this afternoon. I watched as Troy tilled our winter wheat cover crop under. In the winter, the bright green of the wheat shines when the rest of the world lies dormant. It's always a pleasure to look out and see that splash of color. But, the first part of it's job is complete and now it's time to fertilize the garden. I'll miss the wheat, but every time I see the healthy plants growing in the garden, I will be reminded of it and smile. Goodbye old friend. Until next time.....