Everyone who knows me, knows that I love anything vintage. I am convinced that I was born in the wrong decade. But that hasn't stopped me from surrounding myself with pieces from the past~most of them handed down to me or thrifted.
My bead collection is comprised of vintage beads and components. For years, I have collected vintage glass beads. Thanks to all the folks that thought enough about these beads that have been stored away since the 40's and 50's, there is a plethora (I love that word) of uncirculated beads and findings ripe for the picking.
Here lately, I have noticed that my collection of vintage enamel is growing. I love, love, love it! I have a healthy (so far) collection of chain, bead caps, flower beads and charms. I've been selling some of them in my 'destash from me to you' section of my Etsy shop and I've been making earrings and necklaces that are laced with these treasures.
The top picture is a photo collage of some of the chain that I bought. The bottom is a picture of some of my finished pieces. But, I didn't photograph my latest love~ vintage enameled bead caps. When I take them out of the tin that they are stored in, I feel like I'm sifting through a treasure chest.
It really is treasure~ vintage treasures from the past, made available once again to a generation that is hungry for it's timeless beauty.
Until next time.....