Look out that window. It's greening up out there! It's been very Spring-like lately and the landscape is quickly changing from greys and browns to shade of green, with a splash of color from the early Spring flowers. My to-do list is growing faster than the grass.
~Order seeds, start seeds, feed seedlings, cut grass, clean beds, till again, trim bushes, pick flowers to bring indoors.....
I love growing flowers. They are a treat for the senses. I tend to gravitate towards the heirloom blossoms; flowers that grew in the Cottage Gardens from days gone by. Some of my most treasured plants and seeds are those that I've carried with me through the years. It's wonderful to see so many nurseries carrying heirlooms now. One of my favorite catalogs to get lost in is Select Seeds. Check it out if you're looking for a good source of heirloom treasures. And don't forget to check Etsy's plant and seed collection. You can find heirlooms posted there also.
Speaking of heirlooms, my shop is blooming with them. I have designated a category just for my vintage blossoms.
And on that note, I need to wrap this up and head outside. Spring is calling.
Until next time.....