Well, whether I like it or not, it's official. Winter is nearing the end and Spring is just around the corner. I do enjoy Winter and all it has to offer and I love the down time. But yesterday, one of the mockingbirds started to sing. And before we know it, they'll be pairing up and having babies.

Time to start ordering seeds and getting ready to plant broccoli and cabbage seeds for the Spring garden. I need to tune up the tiller now, so it's ready when I need it. Ole Troy and I have been together longer than me and John. Note to self: buy ingredients for my seed starter mix.

In my jewelry shop, I added new sections to reflect the change in season. The Cottage Garden and the Beach Bum section are new. I need to work on a Winter/Spring banner also.

Part of me wants to go back into hibernation, but that too shall pass. I think I'll spend today cleaning out some beds. And possibly, I'll tackle the garage. I said 'possibly'.
Have a great weekend~
Until next time.....