Yesterday, while working in the office, I heard a commotion outside the window. I got up to see what it was and saw at least 100 Cedar Waxwings flying around. Every spring during their migration, they stop here to eat the berries from our Foster Holly trees. Every year but this one.

It seems that our Mockingbird that lives in the front yard doesn't want anyone eating his berries. These berries have been here all winter and this bird has hardly touched them. But, this is where he sleeps, so these trees are his. All three of them. M'birds are very territorial. Ever see one harass a cat or a hawk? Sassy birds! I can not believe that a flock this large is afraid of one little ole cat bird.
I've had my camera out, ready to photograph the birds if they ever get a chance to land on the trees to eat. We'll be eye to eye. I know that I could get some great shots, if only Bill (yes that's what we named him) would learn to share. I did take a few shots of them this morning, waiting patiently in the Bradford Pear, but it's dark and rainy and they didn't come out too good. I'll post better photos, if I get some.
Do you plant trees/bushes to feed the birds in your area?
Until next time.....