This has been an excellent week. After the rain that we had, the gardens came alive once again. And I was able to get a lot of work done, that I couldn't do because of the drought. Last night it rained again. 1 1/10" to be exact. There's nothing like sleeping with the sound of thunder and rain in the background.
1. The sage is bushing out like mad.
2. The morning glories are scrambling up the shepherd's hook. I'm considering running them up the siding of the house. Not sure though, but I'll have to do something with the vines. They'll grow into a tangled mess if I don't.
3. The purple fountain grass is kicking in. I love any kind of ornamental grass. They all remind me of sea oats.
4. The ground was finally soft enough to pound the tomato stakes in. The plants might not be as big as they usually are for this time of year, but they're alive. I know a lot of folks that lost much of their crop due to sun scald. I feel very fortunate that our tomatoes were late and not staked.
5. Happy tomatoes. Tonight we're having fried green tomatoes with dinner. I need to make the horseradish sauce as soon as I'm finished here.
6. The second planting of summer squash is coming in. 'Round here, we just pull the plants when the squash bugs get so bad and replant squash seeds in a new bed. I've tried every remedy under the sun (organic, that is) and they simply don't work. At least not in TN.
Well, there's a wee bit of what I've been up to this past week. Here's looking forward to another busy one.