What a difference a week makes. We went from being in the 20's to being in the 70's. It could turn cold again tomorrow. That's how these Tennessee winters are.
So, with my garden log and seeds in hand, Althea and I headed outside. We always start our cole crop seeds during the middle of February. We start all our vegetables from seed. Most get planted directly into the ground, but there are some that get planted into flats.
Every year we try to grow something new. This year's headliners for the spring garden begin with Cheddar Hybrid cauliflower. It's bright orange and packed full of vitamins and minerals. Another cauliflower that we're growing is Graffiti Hybrid. It's dark purple. Something you don't know about me yet- I love to grow purple vegetables. When I saw the purple cauliflower, I knew that I had to try it.
Copenhagen Market Early is the cabbage variety that we're going with again this year. It heads early and is finished before the heat gets too bad and the cabbage worms try to completely take over. DeCicco and Green Goliath are the Broccoli varieties that we're planting once again. We've always had good luck with them. They grow good-sized heads. I don't care for the sideshoots on broccoli plants. By the time they are growing, the worms are too bad to fool with trying to cut anything worth eating. I'd just as soon pull the plants and go on to the next vegetable that will take their place.
The rest of the spring seeds go right into their beds. I'll hold off telling you about them until it's time to plant them.
Some of my spring beads arrived. And now that my studio is 3/4 clean, I will be sitting down to make some new earrings and maybe even a few bracelets and necklaces. I love working with blues and greens and browns. Oh hell, I love working with any color in the spring. Check my shop every now and again for new listings.
Before I sign off, I'd like to share my recipe for Soil-less Seed Starting Mix. I make my own because it's less expensive and I just like to DIY.
1/2 part spagnum peat moss*
1/4 part perlite*
1/4 part vermiculite*
mix and store dry. when you're ready to use it, put it in a container and add enough water, mixing as you go, until the mixture holds together.
So, with my garden log and seeds in hand, Althea and I headed outside. We always start our cole crop seeds during the middle of February. We start all our vegetables from seed. Most get planted directly into the ground, but there are some that get planted into flats.
Every year we try to grow something new. This year's headliners for the spring garden begin with Cheddar Hybrid cauliflower. It's bright orange and packed full of vitamins and minerals. Another cauliflower that we're growing is Graffiti Hybrid. It's dark purple. Something you don't know about me yet- I love to grow purple vegetables. When I saw the purple cauliflower, I knew that I had to try it.
Copenhagen Market Early is the cabbage variety that we're going with again this year. It heads early and is finished before the heat gets too bad and the cabbage worms try to completely take over. DeCicco and Green Goliath are the Broccoli varieties that we're planting once again. We've always had good luck with them. They grow good-sized heads. I don't care for the sideshoots on broccoli plants. By the time they are growing, the worms are too bad to fool with trying to cut anything worth eating. I'd just as soon pull the plants and go on to the next vegetable that will take their place.
The rest of the spring seeds go right into their beds. I'll hold off telling you about them until it's time to plant them.
Some of my spring beads arrived. And now that my studio is 3/4 clean, I will be sitting down to make some new earrings and maybe even a few bracelets and necklaces. I love working with blues and greens and browns. Oh hell, I love working with any color in the spring. Check my shop every now and again for new listings.
Before I sign off, I'd like to share my recipe for Soil-less Seed Starting Mix. I make my own because it's less expensive and I just like to DIY.
1/2 part spagnum peat moss*
1/4 part perlite*
1/4 part vermiculite*
mix and store dry. when you're ready to use it, put it in a container and add enough water, mixing as you go, until the mixture holds together.
*I use a quart yogurt container to scoop and measure the dry ingredients.
Check back next week. Our seedlings should be sprouting through the soil by then. Until next time.....
Check back next week. Our seedlings should be sprouting through the soil by then. Until next time.....