The morning glories growing in my gardens haven't heard that we are having a severe drought. If you just look at the collage of them, you'd never know that the rest of my property looks like carp. We've had the hottest, driest summer in a long time and it's taken it's toll on the landscaping and gardens. It will be interesting to see what survives and comes back next year.

Thank goodness for my morning glories! They have always been one of my favorite flowers. Their colors are amazing. They make wonderful living screens. One plant can block out an unsightly area or nosey neighbor. And they grow everywhere and anywhere and don't ask for anything.
One of my favorite varieties didn't come up this year. It's the Blue Star Morning Glory. They have white backgrounds with a blue star and a yellow center. Truly a thing of beauty. I did, however, make earrings with vintage enameled flowers and chain that are fashioned after them. I've sold several pairs so far and made one for myself. I will continue to make these until I run out of materials. You can find them in my shop under the 'Cottage Garden' section.
Thank you ,morning glories, for getting me through this gardening season. You bring light and color to an otherwise brown landscape.
Until next time.....