If you haven't heard already, I joined the ESST ~ Etsy Supply Street Team. What better way to support supply shops on Etsy and promote my deStash shop, than to join a street team?
We're having our first sale next week that will run from Wednesday, January 16th until Sunday, January 20th. Everyone who is participating will have a different sale in their shop. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, but I'm thinking that it will be different every day. To find members that are in the team type 'esst' in the tag search. Not everybody on the team is participating in the sale, so you may have to weed through the search a bit to find the sales.
I've been listing hearts in my shop and they've been selling like hotcakes. I do believe that the hearts will be the first thing to go on sale on Wednesday. But then again, a girl has the right to change her mind! Click on the BlackStarBead mini to your right to get there. Stay tuned~
Until next time.....