I'm never one to rush the seasons and I'm well aware that the month of February can be brutal, even in Tennessee. But then the garden catalogs start arriving in the mail and my mind wanders towards the season that lies ahead.
In my part of the world, the landscape lacks color during the winter months. Except for the pines and spruces, everything else is either brown or grey. A gardener needs color. A gardener needs flowers. Luckily, flowers can be found everywhere, any time of the year.
I looked out the window the other morning while it was snowing. A light snow. The first snow of the season for us. My snowdrops and daffodils are 6+ inches high now. They looked so lovely dusted with the powdery white snow. It won't be long before they're in full bloom and the growing season begins, once again.
Until then, I have my garden catalogs, my gardening books, my flickr pool and my vintage flower beads to hold me over. And I also have these supplies to look at from my fellow Etsy Supply Street Team members. There's no shortage of flowers on our team! What better way to bring flowers into your home?
Until next time.....