And the smell of wood smoke~
I love the smell of woodsmoke. This time of year, it's a scent that is around every corner out here. People are firing up the wood stoves and fireplaces, trying to keep warm. It's been unseasonably cold. And no, I'm not complaining. I do like cold weather. But, I like it better when it's accompanied by snow. We did have a morning full of flurries, which looked beautiful. But I still long for a real snow and so I sit here patiently; waiting to go out into the clear, crisp air to enjoy the snow. The cold weather has given me a good excuse to stay put and work on some new pieces for my shop. This one is getting listed this evening. It is appropriately called 'Where There's Smoke'.
It's been a while since we went up to Crystal Lake. I miss my fire pit, rolling with smoke. I have a feeling that I'll be pulling out quite a few gray beads.