I heard on the news last month that the bugs were going to be bad this year. I believe it now! We went up to Crystal Lake this past weekend and the mosquitos were awful! They have never been this bad.

We kept a tiny campfire going; enough to make a bit of smoke. The smoke keeps them away.
I also had my bug oil that I made last year. It works like a charm. It's a recipe that I got from a book written by Juliette de Bairacli Levy; one of my fav herbalists. Wormwood, rue and rosemary are steeped in olive oil. I add some rosemary essential oil to the finished oil. It's great for your skin. I even put it on my face. I love it. The bugs hate it.
I was saddened to hear that Juliette passed away last Thursday, the 28th of May. She was 95 years old. Her herb books were some of the first ones that I read. I brought one of my books with me to read and reflect on everything that I learned from her. What an awesome woman!
We did a bit more work on the driveway. I think pretty soon, my Bambi Airstream will be able to wind it's way down the drive. No, I don't own one yet. Soon come~
Until next time.....