Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Open For Beadness
Now that the holidays are behind us, I re opened my Etsy deStash shop. I closed the doors in November so that I could slow down and enjoy the holiday season. Last night it felt right to put the lights back on. I'm slowly but surely re listing expired items and photographing and listing new ones. I use this shop strictly for deStash. I don't buy beads in bulk to resell. There are times when I make a purchase and decide later that I don't like what I bought or I simply don't use that particular treasure anymore. It's nice to have the bead shop at times like this. I even turned on direct checkout for those of you that don't like or don't have PayPal. Click here and you'll magically appear at the door. Check back often. You never know what you'll find.
Until next time.....