I'm starting a new series on my blog today, entitled "Interview with an Etsian". Let's jump right in.....
Up first is one of the most genuine, down to Earth folks that I've met on Etsy. I love her work and own several pair of earrings. And her gem shop should be on every one's favorites list! She also owns the cutest chickens that I have ever laid my eyes on!
1. Your name, shop and craft(s).
I'm jenn Trott and my shops are jNicDesigns and jNicLoft. I play with pretty stones and metal all day long (aka creating jewelry) =)
2. How long have you been at your craft(s)?
Ooohh that's a tough one. I started making jewelry in 4th grade that consisted of those little flowers you find in clover patches tied together to make bracelets and necklaces.. then I advanced to friendship bracelets in middle school and in high school I actually took a jewelry making class where I used a lot of huge rhinestones and paper-mâché - hey it was the 80's! I made the jewelry for a lot of my classmate's proms, dances and other outfits so I guess that's where my "business" first emerged.
3. One thing no one knows about you that influences your craft.
I am not someone that enjoys being the center of attention which is why most of my pieces tend to lean toward the simple, understated and refined. I find it really challenging to create pieces that I wouldn't want to wear myself.
4. Favorite color? Does it affect your work? Why/why not?
I love blues and greens and it definitely affects my work because those are always the stones I gravitate to. I have to challenge myself to work with different colors!
5. Learn anything new lately that's related to your craft? If yes, what is it. If no, what would you like to learn.
Not within the last few months but last year I took two metalsmithing courses through the University of Georgia and it was a blast! And I'm always talking to the head of the Athens Gem and Mineral Society and learning new things about the stones I love.
6. Best piece of advice that someone gave you that benefited your shop?
I'd have to say it came from my district manager during my retail days and we referred to it as the "5 P's" - Proper planning prevents poor performance. I am very much a planner and I try to have a game plan for every day, week and month.
7. Favorite Etsy category to browse and why.
I love to browse the clothing category because I'm amazed at the talent in that category!
8. Ever collaborate with another seller? If yes, what did you learn about yourself?
I haven't done any collaborations yet...
9. What one thing on Etsy can't you live without?
Time Machine 2! I love browsing sold items!
10. What question would you like to see included in an interview, that you've never seen? You can answer it if you like.
What's your favorite holiday? Halloween =)

I want to thank Jenn for helping me kick off this series. Check out her shops. You'll be glad that you did.
And if you poke around her blog, you just might see those chickens that I mentioned.
Come back next week to see who's talking.
Until next time.....