Friday, February 15, 2013

Rendering Lard

Back in December I mentioned that John bought a half of a hog the week before Christmas. He sucessfully processed it and put it up. I decided not to post photos here. During that time he said "Katie, why don't you make some lard?" Hmmmmm. Let's see. This is the week before Christmas. I'm crazy busy in my Etsy shop, trying to decorate for the holidays, etc, etc, etc.
Not to mention that the thought of using, let alone making lard, didn't sound like something I was interested in. So, I took to the internet and visited my dear friend Google. I was surprised to learn that homemade lard isn't the devil. Just like anything else that's homemade, lard, minus the additives that you find in the storebought version, is actually quite good for you.
I poked around for a few recipes. One woman mentioned that I should open my windows because it was going to smell awful. But this is December!
On the day before Christmas Eve, while baking and making merry, I decided to give it a go. I used the stovetop method and before you know it, my first batch of lard was complete. By the way, I didn't notice an awful smell. I was relieved.
The next time I made quiche, I substituted lard for the butter in the crust. It was a fabulous, flaky crust. I was thrilled with the results. Now to get into the freezer and render the rest of the fat.
Until next time.....