When I opened my first Etsy shop 3 1/2 years ago, I was completely unaware that I would form friendships with people across the world. I have met so many incredible people through that site. We've laughed together, got excited together and cried together. We bounced ideas off each other, bitched about the occasional NPB's, snarked about the snarkiest of all snarkers. We shared secrets, recipes and gardening tips. Babies were born. Family members lost. Pets traveled to the Rainbow Bridge. Hell, I'd never even heard about the Rainbow Bridge until I read about it in ETC.
I've learned a lot from many of you. I knew zip when I started out. Never even used a digital camera before. And had to learn A LOT of things that I really did not want to learn. To those that took the time to explain how to do something or to listen to me go on about something.....well, there really are no other words, other than thanks and xoxo.
Until next time.....