A little background first. For those of you that don't know or forgot.....our Spring garden rotted or washed away. Twice. The Summer garden was late getting in the ground due to all of the Spring rain. That means that our tomatoes are late this year. Last week, they finally started ripening. I am so ready for my first tomato of the season.

We have an Eastern Box Turtle that has a Summer home in the main vegetable garden. He's been there several years. Last year he returned, but was not alone. I know that the Dude and his Mrs. eat tomatoes. I've caught them with seeds on their face and juice dribbling down their chins.

We have several families of mockingbirds that live around us. We love them and look forward to the day each year when they start singing again. (usually around Valentine's Day). We put out apples for them. They bring their young to the swing, where the apples are. We got along fine for years.

Yesterday, I was working in the garden and what did I see? This!
I also saw a bird fly out of the tomato patch, but wasn't really paying attention, so don't know what kind of bird it was. We never had a problem with birds eating tomatoes in the garden, but I did catch Bill (the bird) eating this one, after I brought it up to the house. Coincidence? I don't know who's doing this, but it has to stop. One dozen tomatoes, mostly green with just a splash of color, pecked on. Even though I hate to do so, I may have to start picking the tomatoes way under ripe.
Honestly, I don't mind sharing, but I'd like to eat a ripe tomato already.
Somebody is in trouble!
Until next time.....